The teachers started by flicking through and examining a students CBA, they then would read through the criteria of each descriptor starting at the bottom of the scale and if the students work met all of that criteria then they would move up a descriptor and repeat the same process until they reach a descriptor in which the students work does not match the criteria therefore they must move the work down a descriptor and award that descriptor to the student for their classroom based assessment.
If the teachers were in any difficulty assigning a descriptor to a students work or if the work was almost on the edge of a descriptor, they would take back out the CBA’s they had already assigned the descriptors for having had no issue and compare the work of the CBA that they were struggling to decide for with these previously assessed CBA’s. Or as there were 2 separate classes of 3rd Year CBA’s being assessed, they would compare the work of each descriptor in one class to the other class.
If a CBA belonging to a student with any AEN or even just a student where by differentiation was used within the classroom throughout the CBA process was being assessed the teacher who’s pupil it was would inform the other teacher present who was also grading the work and this would be taken into account as the teacher who taught the student would have already set a different set of success criteria for these students and would possibly have a different level or set of expectations so all of this would be discussed before deciding on and awarding a descriptor for this student’s CBA.